
Find out more information about our internal policies.


At Tradesales our commitment is to remain commercially viable and consistently meet or exceed our customer’s quality expectations, including satisfying all applicable requirements. In doing this we provide our customers with an exceptional supply option that positions us as the market’s workplace solutions partner of choice for provision of durable, fit-for-purpose workplace and workshop products and solutions.

This commitment will be achieved by:

  • Setting and evaluating measurable performance objectives and targets.
  • Utilising a risk-based approach to seek best practice performance solutions that are practical, effective, and regularly evaluated for the management and reduction of business risks.
  • Continual development and improvement of systems to meet changing business needs.
  • Defining and communicating roles and responsibilities for performance.
  • Implementing mechanisms to report on and respond to the performance of business systems.
  • Exploring all opportunities for improvement.
  • Holding all employees responsible to be committed and accountable complying with and improving our systems of work.

Tradesales have a dynamic approach to systems management, and we encourage all employees’ input in view of the evolution of our company systems and procedures.

Our commitment will be demonstrated through the implementation and continual improvement of this policy and our systems, measured against the established objectives and targets.


Tradesales endeavours to be a clean company, considering sustainability and credibility as decisive parameters in its way of conducting business.

Tradesales will contribute openly and actively to improving the internal and external environment and work proactively for a safe and healthy working environment. As a minimum, Tradesales will comply with national and international environmental requirements. The efforts within this field will primarily be preventive. In all production companies, the means to this end is certified environmental management.

Within financially justifiable limits, Tradesales will endeavour to limit the environmental strain and the consumption of resources across the business by developing new products and processes.

The environmental strain throughout the entire life of the product must be evaluated and described. Where possible, the products shall be designed with re-use or recycling in view, just as care shall be taken to ensure that product and packaging can be safely disposed of. Tradesales service departments shall receive repair or inform of disposal channels of worn-out products.

With due regard for the environment, Tradesales will aim at the most rational method of manufacture and apply clean technology where financially and technically possible. Purchases will be based on partnerships characterised by high ethics and the greatest possible consideration for the environment.

Buildings, plants, and technical equipment must be maintained to a high standard of safety and environmentally sound materials must be used. Contractors working for Tradesales shall obey the same environmental requirements as the company’s own employees. When disposing of possessions, Tradesales will ensure that they are handed over in proper environmental condition.

Modern Slavery

At Tradesales, our values – Enthusiasm, Integrity, Empathy, Safety, and Innovation – inform more than just our internal culture. They guide how we interact with the communities in which we operate. We are strong believers in trust and its role in fostering lasting relationships with our people, clients, and suppliers.

Tradesales is committed to building and fostering a culture in which employees, customers and suppliers are treated with dignity, respect and fairness. Our Code of Conduct and Ethics requires that employees, including directors, agents, contractors and others who represent our business, must respect and support human rights.

Our commitment:

At Tradesales, when we are making decisions and taking action, risk is a primary consideration. This includes the nature of our relationship with suppliers, their geographic location, the types of goods or services being provided, and existing local human rights protections offered to workers.

We recognise that modern slavery does not occur as a stand-alone issue and, as a result, the supply chain process aims to holistically consider risk associated with:

1. Bribery and corruption

2. Modern slavery

3. Illegal logging

4. Environmental considerations

5. Workplace health and safety and

6. Cybersecurity

We work with our suppliers to assess whether they are meeting our standards. Many of our suppliers have processes in place for managing their own risks and are open to working with us to meet our minimum standards. Where we identify concerns about supplier performance, we engage with the supplier, seeking constructive dialogue and remediation of non-compliance with our standards in relation to labour practices, environmental, health and safety, and bribery and corruption risks as part of sustainability risks.